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Ages 13-17

Fantasy Drawing
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Supply List: 



-Ruler (optional)

-Paper (white preferable)

-Coloring Material (colored pencils, crayons, markers, paint, etc.)

Alternative Supply List: 

- If you don’t have a pencil then use a different writing or coloring material 


During this project you will have fun drawing a picture within or outside your home and then turning it into your wildest fantasy! Is that a flying bed? Pizza clouds? A giant dog?


Project Directions:

Step One:

Draw a picture of your room (or another room), what you see outside your window,  or while sitting in your backyard. Use a pencil for this step and remember to draw light until you get it right! Look up “how to draw” resources online if needed. If you can’t find a “how to draw” image or video, look up a coloring page image instead. This will help because coloring pages have the basic lines and shapes needed to create your drawing. If you are still having trouble, cut pictures out of magazines and glue them on.

Step Two: 

Turn your artwork into a fantasy drawing. Is there a monster sleeping in your bed? Are the trees outside your window growing candy canes? Is it raining mini talking giraffes? The possibilities are endless. If you are having trouble getting started think about silly movies or shows, your wildest dreams, look at the artwork below, or look up ideas online. If you are having trouble with drawing look up “how to draw” images or videos, coloring page images, or cut and glue from a magazine.

Step Three: 

Add color using the coloring materials you have. 

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