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Ages 13-17

Cardboard Shoes





Supply List: 




-Hot Glue Gun & Glue 



-Paint/Paint Markers


Alternative Supply List: 

-If you do not have a pencil use another drawing/coloring material

-If you do not have a hot glue gun then use glue or tape you do have

-If you have a ruler use another object with a flat edge like a book

-If you do not have paint use another coloring material that you do have


During this project you will create a sculpture replica of a shoe(s). You can create a shoe you own or a shoe that you have seen online.

Project Directions:

Select your shoe. Either find the shoe or a picture of it. Then click here and watch a video on how to create a shoe out of cardboard. You do not have to create the same shoes as in the videos but use the skills as a guide to create a shoe(s) that you would like to make.

cardboard shoes.jpg
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